By Robert (Bob) Chiaradio - RIFI Board Member
RIDE Guidance and TITLE IX - Destructive School Policies
No issue is more troubling and damaging to America’s youth than the ‘TRANSGENDER ISSUE’. Agenda-driven lawmakers are using their influence and power and seizing the opportunity to take advantage of vulnerable children and youth. They are duping them into making destructive decisions that are irreversible and will affect them for life. RIDE, the RI Department of Education’s ‘Transgender/Gender Non-conforming/Transitioning Students’ policy and protocol dates back to 2017 and is a combination of RIDE Guidance and a hijacking of Title IX by both the Obama and Biden administrations.
This RIDE “policy” allows boys in girl’s restrooms and locker rooms; allows boys to room with girls on overnight field trips; mandates the use of pronouns by teachers; allows schools to not inform parents should their child be socially transitioning at school; and allows boys to compete against girls in sports. In short, our girls are being put in uncomfortable and unsafe situations.
Title IX was written to protect biological females against sex-based discrimination…This hijacking of Title IX MANDATES discrimination against biological females, and focuses on gender identification. This is being challenged by red states all over the country.
With Rhode Island being a blue state, I am choosing to fight this from the grassroots level, as we simply don’t have enough like-mined thinkers in our General Assembly.
I have begun a 6-month long mission to visit all 39 local school committees in the state, with the goal of attending and speaking at each one. The purpose is to educate school committee members, as well as those in attendance and watching on TV, that their district is under no legal obligation whatsoever to comply with RIDE’s “guidance”, as well as Obama’s and Biden’s hijacking of Title IX.
I started with Westerly's School Committee, who is in the process of writing its own policy in lieu of RIDE’s policy addressing the bathroom, locker room, and the other issues outlined above.
Visiting began at Little Compton on May 8th, followed by Jamestown May 21st, then Coventry May 23rd. l will also be visiting Exeter-West Greenwich on May 28th rounding out the month.
Please see above link for my schedule visiting other school board meetings throughout the month of August. I anticipate concluding this mission by the end of October.
I would greatly appreciate your support and ask that you PRAY for influence and success as I undertake this important mission. Please contact me if you have any questions. Robert J. Chiaradio, Jr. - robert.chiaradio@gmail.com
(401) 864-4094

Bob is a key part of the RIFI team! Please join me in prayer for God to give him wisdom, strength and influence in each of the school committees and towns. Pick a few towns to pray specifically for him on the dates he will be there. (SEE BELOW LIST) You can help us continue these efforts by becoming a monthly supporter!

For Faith and Family
Pastor Dave Aucoin
Upcoming School Committee Schedule 5/8 - Little Compton - completed 5/21 – Jamestown – completed 5/23 – Coventry - completed 5/28 - Exeter-West Greenwich - completed 6/4 - North Kingstown - completed 6/12 - Narragansett 6/17 - Smithfield 6/18 - Chariho 6/25 - Portsmouth
6/27 - Cumberland
7/9 - Scituate 7/10 - West Warwick 7/16 - Warwick 7/18 - Middletown 8/6 – Foster/Glocester 8/13 - Newport 8/20 - North Smithfield